It is great to know you would like to share your expedition with the community! We really look forward to reading your experiences!



I would like to ask you to choose the stage of the expedition you are in and just start a new email, copy the questions into it and answer them. You can add any other information you feel is important. Photos have to be sent through some other service. I like to use It is very easy. Everything should be sent to [email protected]

Thanks! Honza

finished expedition

Kilometers/miles covered:
Time spent on the road:

Social media:

Description of the tour:
Best moment:
Worst moment:
The most memorable person you met:
Impact on your life(s):
Future plans:

You can also mention any other topic of your journey! 

It would be great to get something between 10 to 20 photos from the tour. Also a photo of your face. If there is a good video, I would like to publish it as well. And a MAP! Do you have any? On Google or just marked by hand in a paper map or digital? That would be awesome to add as people just love to see it!

Ongoing expedition

Kilometers/miles covered:
Expected kilometers/miles ahead of you:
Social media:

Description of the tour:
What do you expect from the journey:
Best moment until now:
Worst moment until now:
The most memorable person you met until now:
Impact on your life(s):
Future plans:
It would be great to get few photos of you, your bikes, gear, preparation etc. Also photo of your face. And a MAP! Do you have any? On Google or just marked by hand in a paper map or digital? That would be awesome to add as people just love to see it. 

expedition in preparation

Kilometers/miles expected:
Expected time on the road:

Social media:

Description of the tour:

What do you expect from the journey:
You can also mention any other topic of your journey! 

It would be great to get a few photos of you, your bikes, gear, preparation, etc. Also a photo of your face. And a MAP! Do you have any? On Google or just marked by hand in a paper map or digital? That would be awesome to add as people just love to see it. 

Thanks once again for sharing!