Another Laidback Bike Report will go live today. Read below the official invitation and join us today.
Adaptive Adventures is an organization that provides freedom through mobility. They travel around the USA and beyond to serve thousands of disabled adults and children with challenge events in water sports, snow events and cycling. We visited them at their Colorado headquarters in January to learn more about how their recumbent cycling programs benefit people of all ages. Next we meet Alex Pargeter the founder of Gride Solutions. They are a UK startup providing a new complete motor system for a wide variety of trike brands. They were on a dealer tour of the USA last month and we caught up with them in Gahanna, Ohio at the renowned recumbent shop Bicycle One. Finally, our own Larry Seidman shares his thoughts on a selection of tire levers he’s checked out. He’ll evaluate and demonstrate some of them as he tries to keep the bleeding down to a minimum!