Gary Solomon has another Laidback Bike Report in the works for today. And the content will be interesting, but also a bit sad, I would say. Read below and watch!
We’ve lamented the decline of the 2 wheeled recumbent bike over the last number of years on this webcast. The Cruzbike has been an exception and more recently Dana Lieberman’s Bacchetta has reappeared on the scene. Today we talk to Stefano Bonazzoli in Italy where he is now promoting his beautifully designed Slyway Ultra carbon fiber bike. He tells us all about the 3 flexible versions of the bike and its design history. Lastly, Stefano shares his very creative ideas about how to elevate recumbent bikes into the mainstream.
Also joining us is Jason Livingston from Electric Bike Outfitters to talk about the various ways to add e-assist to your trike.
Finally, Wizwheelz CEO Mark Crews has an important announcement about the status of Cycle-Con for 2025.