Unless you live in Florida at least part of the year, it’s almost impossible to encounter a larger crowd of recumbent riders more often. A recumbent fan will then gladly welcome any recumbent event because they feel at home there, can share their enthusiasm, their experiences, their joy, and possibly resolve their questions or difficulties. One of the great opportunities are the recumbent fairs. There are basically two in the world. SPEZI in Germany at the end of April, and Cycle-Con in the USA in September.

Cycle-Con is fast approaching. Once again, the organizers have kept the original location in Xenia, Ohio, at the crossroads of several beautiful bike trails, but moved it within the fairgrounds to a larger hall. You’ll also see organized rides and several workshops together, you’ll have the chance to meet some of your favorite Youtubers and other well-known figures from the recumbent bike world, and if you spend multiple days in Xenia, you’ll be sure to find riding partners for other rides as well.

A great event is simply around the corner, we all invite you to join us and to complete the great atmosphere I am adding some videos from last year.




Cycle-Con, formerly known as Recumbent Cycle-Con, is an annual event in the United States dedicated to the world of cycling, with a special focus on recumbent bicycles and trikes. Established as a niche event to bring together enthusiasts, manufacturers, and retailers of recumbent cycles, it has evolved into a broader celebration of all types of specialty cycling. The inaugural Recumbent Cycle-Con took place in 2011 in Pomona, CA, and its location changed every two years ever since. In 2022, it was taken over by people from WizWheelz, one of the largest recumbent bike manufacturers in the world.




And if you want to see everything, Gary Solomon and his team have made a long one for you!