There are not many books on recumbents in the world and each new addition deserves attention. Especially when it comes from Maria Parker, CEO of Cruzbike and an avid recumbent racer who tirelessly supports the non-profit organization 3000 Miles to a Cure, which raise desperately-needed funds for brain cancer research.
Set against the backdrop of ultra bike racing and the death of Maria’s sister Jenny, Do Tough is a book that motivates people to overcome difficult moments in life, big or small, chosen or unchosen, and shows ways to cope with them. The book also inspires and proves that each of us can overcome obstacles and be successful.
The book goes on sale today and it’s available in a Kindle e-reader version. You can buy it on Amazon and all royalties will go to 3000 Miles to a Cure, of course.
You can then find the first chapter to read on the Cruzbike website.
“During and since the 2013 RAAM ride, I have witnessed first hand how Maria lives and does tough. By telling her story, she gives her readers concrete, real world ways to do difficult and astounding things, whether they are chosen trials or dealing with unchosen suffering. Maria has dealt with incredible loss, built a first class business and completed astonishing athletic challenges. In these pages you’ll find the blueprint to enable you to as well.” —Jim Chickos Lead Navigator, RAAM 2013

“Maria Parker has delicately woven two of the toughest challenges in her life into an inspiring and tender story. This is much more than a feel-good/tear jerking/true-grit story: It’s an easy to read, step-by-step tutorial of how to develop the necessary traits and life skills to be successful at whatever you do, tough or not!” —Larry Oslund, Ultra Cycling World Record Holder
Read the amazing interview with Maria Parker I published in May, 2023