Watch today Laidback Bike Report at Youtube. Here is what you can expect:
Caleb Cline was hurt leading his Army unit in a training exercise. We feel privileged to sit down with him to talk about his long road back to mental and physical health. That road included riding his trike to 10 new world records last April. Next we check in with our old pal AD Carson, founder of Recycled Recumbents. AD tells us about his show room rehab projects, the state of 2 wheeled bents, advice to families for disposal of your bents from the estate and his latest tour. Then we move on to Tray Bourgoyne’s workshop where he shows us how to clean bike parts with ultrasound and some trike wheel maintenance. Larry Ploetz returns this month to inform us on best practices for velomobile touring and upkeep. We’ll finish off with sports news on the significant bent participation in the recent National Senior Games. Plus a bonus video from Honza and Matt Galat announcing the new collaboration between AZUB and the Ja Yoe Nation YouTube channel.
🎥 Sunday video: Caleb’s 10 records ride in LBR