The second one of my Honza’s Blogs shortly HLOGs. This time kind of sad.
You may have heard of the F4 tornado which has hit the southeast part of Czechia three weeks ago. Although somewhat common in several countries around the world, such a powerful tornado hasn’t been described in the modern history of our country. Seven villages have been affected and thousands of houses damaged with several of them completely destroyed. I have helped in two of the villages one week after the disaster and could see the power of nature.
Soon after I have realized that one of the fellow recumbentist Laďa from a recumbent club located in the affected area has lost his house completely. Fortunately, all four of Lada’s children and also his wife are OK. He has participated in many recumbent gatherings in Czechia and would be on a recumbent tour to Croatia with his friend if the storm wouldn’t happen. He rides both a recumbent trike and a two-wheeler and likes to share his riding time with friends.
He needs help now as children sleep in a camper in the middle of the destroyed garden and the house has been demolished and must be built again. If you would be willing to help as well, you can do so via a donation on a web page here: It is a safe crowdfunding page dedicated to helping people in emergencies and mentioned by Forbes and Czech National TV alike. Laďa and his family will receive 100% of your donation. 500 Kč is roughly 20 EUR / 23 USD and 3.000 Kč is roughly 120 EUR / 138 USD.
Here are some photos of Lada and his recumbents and also some from his damaged house.
And once again, you can help Lada Kaluzik in the crowdfunding campaign here.
Laďa in the neon jacket
Few photos from the time I was helping other families in one of the affected villages.
And a video summary of the tornado & storm