Very interesting news came to me today from Portland, OR, USA. Jonathan Garcia has agreed with Rob Gentry from RBR to take over the American distributorship of the Performer. He also became co-owner of the Metabikes brand which is originally a Spanish company that mainly produced high-racers, but after its collapse a few years ago, it was taken over by Rob, who moved production to Taiwan and continued to distribute it. Now the two entities are being taken over by the guys from Rose City Recumbent Cycles.
Here is a statement from Jonathan: “I would like to announce that Robert and I have formed a new company to handle our design, consultation, and warehousing/distribution business still under the Rose City Recumbent Cycle umbrella. We have entered into an agreement with Rob Gentry from RBR fame as well as George Chen of Performer to become the new U.S. distributor for the Performer brand of Recumbents. Rob has done a wonderful job for many years getting Performer as a recognized brand in the U.S. He is ready to step away from the bike business and retire. He will still be involved from a consultation standpoint. We have also become the Co-Owners of Metabike. I am working closely with George Chen on our new products, as well as improving his for our market. George has been able to consistently provide trikes even thru our current world crisis. New Age Bike Works has entered into a formal agreement with Jerrell Nichols of RANS as well, helping as a design consultant and bringing new products to the market from idea to reality. Jerrell and I have a long-standing friendship and business relationship. I am very excited to bring everyone’s talents together to bring sustainable recumbents to the market. The spirit of cooperation is what is going to weather the storms ahead and move our little industry forward.” More information can be found on the new web:
This is an interesting shift. All three guys are avid recumbent riders and also promoters of two-wheelers. I first met Rob in 2011 during my first visit to the US and it was a very pleasant meeting. We’ve seen each other many times since then. Likewise, I have met the boys from Rose many times both in their shop in Portland and at trade fairs, and I must say that their opinions sound like heavenly music to me. I am preparing interviews for you with both Jonathan and Robert, as well as a summary article about their impact on the recumbent industry. You definitely have something to look forward to!
Performer FWD folding highracer Metabikes highracer Rose City Recumbent Cycles in Portland, Oregon Rose City Recumbent Cycles in Portland, Oregon Jonathan (left) and Robert (right) Rob Gentry with carbon fibre Metabikes frame