Frenchman Laurent Souchet was just a keen bike commuter when he decided to participate in the race of solar bikes from Chamonix, France to Canton, China. He built his solar bike based on the AZUB SIX and called it the Silky One. The bike had not only a solar roof but also a solar trailer. The race was almost 14.000 km / 8,700 miles and it took Laurent just 65 days to reach the finish in Canton, China.
After his return to France he started another challenge. To write a book about his extraordinary experience. After writing the french version he decided to go even further and translated it (well, organized the translation and paid for it) all into English. You can purchase the e-book From Bicycle Commuting To SunTrip on his web page (also in French) while you decide by yourself how much you pay for it. Starting with absolute zero.
There are very few recumbent related books or e-books and this one describes an adventurous story and is worth reading.

If you want to see Laurent in action, see a video I have done in 2018 when he visited AZUB during his journey over the Czech Republic.